Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Family - Root of unconditional love !!

'Family' ... all words are smaller than this word, whole world is there in this word. Just a 'word' which describes you, your strenth and your achievements.

Love, comfort, Life, makes a family, for many this may be not the defination but I am proud to keep the same meaning in my dictionary. Who makes this word complete, what does this word signify ? This is not a word to be answered, as magnificient things has there own charm.

I am a proud person to have this word in my life, parents & siblings is my world. None other than family can be trusted, no one will be there in your bad times. As blood is thicker than water. Appreciate the word which has given a meaning to your life, how to live, how to love and smile.

Whatever I am today, is because of my parents, I went to school with a aim to become a successful person, made many friends, went for Grads then PG, there was always a bless of someone that I keep on creeping year after year. When I was walking without any efforts and every work was completed with great success, I doubted myself, how can I be so effecient. It seems something fishy and then I turn my head back, I was amazed, my family still with me. They keeping a track on me, what I am doing, who all are my friends, what education I am getting, do I really need help, they know it, I am not aware how crucial all these things are as I was always a child for them. I wish to be a child and want them to stand next to me always and telling me whats good and whats bad.

Education is over now, Job time.. Oh lord ! so many jobs available and other second no jobs available. What to do, where to go. These are thoughts that we usually get, worse situations, wondering, we had a dream of successful person and today we have nothing after doing so much of hard work ? Then we realize 'Family', mum, dad where are you, I am alone again, I am sad. It was matter of calling them, asking them to be around and there was a que of jobs. Everything got transparent, people around us, jobs around us and everything. I smiled a bit and then gave a thought, are you magician and do things for me, what I want. How do you come to know what I want ? Anyways I thankyou ma pa.

Now a child has become a 'gentleman', walking with keys of car and a executive diary in hand. All problems are soughted out with one word. Year passes and time to marriage, is this a problem -- NO, I have a girl friend. oops!! I have girl friends mom, i will choose among them, we get married. Still parents smile, that we might be intellegent enough to take the appropiate decision to choose best for the life. Things keeps on changing, we grow older, our relation with parents and behavior changes. Why so ? For all that they have done for us, we are indebted to them. What is the best way to pay them ?

Just make them feel proud of who you become. They dont' seek money or any other kind of favors from us. For them, a smile of our's is still worthy than diamonds. Give them the unconditional love that you have got in so many years, rather than loving a person who is with you for a reason, for a condition. Most of the people in this world come and go, most of them will be selfish, but parents will be there, will love you whether you impose any condition to them, for metting them, for loving them, for talking to them. They will always love you now and forever.

cherish what you have, don't smile at the birds, they can never be yours.

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